Encapsulated Soil Pipe in the Bedroom


Encapsulated Soil Pipe in the Bedroom.



The soil pipe is runs from the toilet into what was originally an outside soil pipe, but as the house has been extended, the soil is now boxed and closed off in the bedroom upstairs. The soil pipe then runs vertically down in the room below.

Under normal circumstances we do not need to access the soil pipe area. However if any pipe running to the soil pipe, bath waste pipe, basin waste pipe, toilet soil pipe, then work will need to be undertaken in the bedroom to complete this work. Please note this would be chargeable based on the time taken and the materials needed.

It is possible that when we work on the waste pipe in the bathroom, the pipes connecting to the soil stack outside bathroom could move and leak. If this occurs we cannot be held responsible in anyway. We would be able to resolve the problem; this would be chargeable based on time and materials needed to carry out the work.
Normally this is not the outcome, but it is a possibility that I must highlight,